The Natural Facelift You've Always Wanted
Sculpt your face, neck, and jawline to perfection in no time, with results visible after just one session.
Microcurrent Lifting Massage for Snatching
Microcurrent pulses increase blood circulation and promote lymphatic drainage for that sharp, lifted aesthetic!

LED Light Therapy for Glowing Skin
LED light therapy strenghtens skin cells and is scientifically proven to assist with appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and even dark spots.
These 21 Day Glow-Ups Are Everything
Below are some transformations of women of all ages that used The Glowastica face sculpting tool for 3-5 minutes per day.

Snatched Jawline and Lifted Neck
Microcurrent pulse massage drains lymph nodes and naturally lifts sagging skin, pain-free.
Reduced Puffiness and Revealed Skin's Glow
Reduce dark spots and pigmentation for a glowing skin complexion with red light therapy.

Ease Smile Lines and Tighten Large Pores
Diminish large pores and fine lines using a subtle microcurrent pulse combined with LED therapy.
Smooth Skin Surface and Reduce Fine Lines
LED therapy boosts collagen production, strengthening the skin and revealing an even complexion.

What Is LED Light Therapy All About?
Green light therapyis used to promote lymphatic drainage and for a boost in blood circulation to the surface of the skin Blue light therapy disinfects deep rooted bacteria, assists with clearing up blackheads, reducing bumps and even out your skin texture. Red light therapy promotes fresh collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and helps achieve tighter looking skin.

Perfectly Snatched & Glowing Skin or 100% of Your Money Back
The Glowastica face sculpting tool is clinically proven to make your skin feel tighter and brighter. That is why we offer a 100-day love it or return it money back guarantee.